====== BugTracker "New Bug" link in Project Overview ====== in intranet-bug-tracker/tcl/intranet-bug-tracker-procs.tcl the function im_bug_tracker_list_component should be changed to the followings ad_proc -public im_bug_tracker_list_component { project_id } { shows a list of bugs in the current project } { if {![im_project_has_type $project_id "Bug Tracker Container"]} { return "" } # Original code line # set html "" #------------------ # set action_url "/bug-tracker/bug-add" set return_url [im_url_with_query] set options [im_bt_project_options] if {[llength $options] > 0} { set project_html [im_bt_generic_select -options $options bug_container_project_id ""] set button_text [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-bug-tracker.New_Issue "New Issue"] set button_html "" } else { # Just return an empty string in order to disable this component return "" set project_html [lang::message::lookup "" intranet-bug-tracker.You_are_not_a_member_of_any_maintenance_projects "You are not a member of any maintenance project"] set button_html "" } db_multirow bug_list bug_list " select bug_number,summary from im_projects parent, im_projects children, bt_bugs where children.project_type_id not in ([im_project_type_task]) and children.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey) and parent.project_id = [im_project_super_project_id $project_id] and bug_container_project_id=children.project_id order by bug_number desc " db_multirow bug_list bug_list " select bug_number,summary from im_projects parent, im_projects children, bt_bugs where children.project_type_id not in ([im_project_type_task]) and children.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey) and parent.project_id = [im_project_super_project_id $project_id] and bug_container_project_id=children.project_id order by bug_number desc " set html "[lang::message::lookup "" intranet-bug-tracker.Create_a_New_Issue "Create a New Issue"]" template::list::create \ -name bug_list \ -key bug_id \ -pass_properties { return_url } \ -elements { bug_number { label "bug\#" link_url_eval { [return "/bug-tracker/bug?[export_vars -url { bug_number return_url } ]" ] } } summary { label "Summary" } } append html [template::list::render -name bug_list] return $html }