Back in 2014 Gregory Storme wrote a simple and effective innobackupex based Bash script for automated MySQL/MariaDB/Galera backups. The only other option I have found in a while was a Python script that carries the same name but is a MAJOR pain to install and configure when compared to the simplicity of a Bash script.
Considering the fact that I am quite turned on by simple and elegant solutions, the script from Gregory was the one that caught my eye. Unfortunately, the script is VERY bare bones and offered only 2 features I wanted for my solution. Therefore I made the attempt to get the Python version running.
The Python version offers a lot more flexibility and options but is not an option for us based on the following factors:
1. Only trusted .deb packages are allowed on our servers. 2. We RARELY build our own packages any more. 3. Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby or any other language will NEVER be installed from source on a server.
Due to the fact that I had to build like 2 different .deb packages from source to even get the script working was the automatic out for that solution.
After going back to the Bash version I took a closer look under the hood and noticed it would only take a bit or work to get it very stable, portable and able to offer the features we needed.
So I took a day from my busy schedule and rewrote his script a bit. I hope you find it as useful as we have.
P.S. I am sure someone will find a bug or two so just let me know and I will clear it up.
#!/bin/bash # Galera MariaDB/MySQL backup script # # Copyright (c) 2016 Charles Williams # Based on the original work from Gregory Storme # Copyright (c) 2014 Gregory Storme # # Version: 0.1 beta backupDir=/var/backups/autoxtrabackup tmpDir=/tmp hoursBeforeFull=48 hoursBeforeInc=24 mysqlUser=dbuser mysqlPwd=password compression=true keepDays=7 keepWeeklys=5 keepMonthlys=12 sendEmail=never emailAddress= backupLog=$tmpDir/autoxtrabackup.log ##### # No editing should be required below this line ##### usage () { echo -e " Configuration"; echo -e "\t/etc/default/autoxtrabackup"; echo -e "\t\t# Backup directory location # Dated folders inside this one will be created backupDir=\"/var/backups/autoxtrabackup\" # Temp directory tmpDir=/tmp # Log file backupLog=/tmp/autoxtrabackup # How many hours between full backups? # For example if set to 12 hours and the script runs every hour, the # script will create a full backup at 12:00, and create incremental # backups until 23:00. At 00:00, it will create the next full backup, and so on. # Keep in mind, incremental backups are only applicable for XtraDB/InnoDB tables. # If you have MyISAM tables, these will be copied entirely each time hoursBeforeFull=72 hoursBeforeInc=20 # Username to access the MySQL server. On Debian with mysql packaged installs, # you can use the defaults. On other distributions, fill in your MySQL credentials mysqlUser=\`grep user /etc/mysql/debian.cnf | tail -n 1 | cut -d\"=\" -f2 | awk '{print $1}'\` mysqlPwd=\`grep password /etc/mysql/debian.cnf | tail -n 1 | cut -d\"=\" -f2 | awk '{print $1}'\` # Compress the backup or not. Set compress to true/false. Compression is enabled by default compression=true # Set number of compress threads. Default is 1 compressThreads=1 # Number of days, weeks and months to keep backups (includes full and incremental) keepDays=7 keepWeeklys=5 keepMonthlys=12 # Send e-mail notifications? Possible values: always, onerror, never sendEmail=never # Send to which e-mail address emailAddress="; echo echo -e " Restore a full backup"; echo -e "\tRestore a compressed backup:"; echo -e "\t\t1: innobackupex --decompress $backupDir/(daily/weekly/monthly)/BACKUP-DIR"; echo -e "\t\t2: Follow same steps as for non-compressed backups"; echo -e "\tRestore a non-compressed backup:"; echo -e "\t\t1: innobackupex --apply-log $backupDir/(daily/weekly/monthly)/BACKUP-DIR"; echo -e "\t\t2: Stop your MySQL server"; echo -e "\t\t3: Delete everything in the MySQL data directory (usually /var/lib/mysql)"; echo -e "\t\t4: innobackupex --copy-back $backupDir/(daily/weekly/monthly)/BACKUP-DIR"; echo -e "\t\t5: Restore the ownership of the files in the MySQL data directory (chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/)"; echo -e "\t\t6: Start your MySQL server"; echo echo -e " Restore an incremental backup"; echo -e "\t1: If compressed, first decompress the backup (see above)"; echo -e "\t2: First, prepare the base backup"; echo -e "\t3: innobackupex --apply-log --redo-only $backupDir/(daily/weekly/monthly)/FULL-BACKUP-DIR"; echo -e "\t4: Now, apply the incremental backup to the base backup."; echo -e "\t5: If you have multiple incrementals, pass the --redo-only when merging all incrementals"; echo -e "\t\texcept for the last one. Also, merge them in the chronological order that the backups were made"; echo -e "\t6: innobackupex --apply-log --redo-only $backupDir/(daily/weekly/monthly)/FULL-BACKUP-DIR"; echo -e "\t\t--incremental-dir=$backupDir/(daily/weekly/monthly)/INC-BACKUP-DIR"; echo -e "\t7: Once you merge the base with all the increments, you can prepare it to roll back the uncommitted transactions:"; echo -e "\t8: innobackupex --apply-log $backupDir/(daily/weekly/monthly)/BACKUP-DIR"; echo -e "\t9: Follow the same steps as for a full backup restore now"; } while getopts ":hv" opt; do case $opt in h) usage; exit 0 ;; v) set -x; ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -f /etc/default/autoxtrabackup ] ; then . /etc/default/autoxtrabackup else echo -e " \"$0 -h\" for help on configuring" exit 1 fi dailyDir=$backupDir/daily weeklyDir=$backupDir/weekly monthlyDir=$backupDir/monthly # Check if innobackupex is installed (percona-xtrabackup) if [[ -z "$(command -v innobackupex)" ]]; then echo "The innobackupex executable was not found, check if you have installed percona-xtrabackup." exit 1 fi # Check if backup directory exists if [ ! -d "$backupDir" ]; then echo "Backup directory does not exist. Check your config and create the backup directory" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$dailyDir" ]; then mkdir $dailyDir fi if [ ! -d "$weeklyDir" ]; then mkdir $weeklyDir fi if [ ! -d "$monthlyDir" ]; then mkdir $monthlyDir fi # Check if mail is installed if [[ $sendEmail == always ]] || [[ $sendEmail == onerror ]]; then if [[ -z "$(command -v mail)" ]]; then echo "You have enabled mail, but mail is not installed or not in PATH environment variable" exit 1 fi fi # Check if you set a correct retention if [ $(($keepDays * 24)) -le $hoursBeforeFull ]; then echo "ERROR: You have set hoursBeforeFull to $hoursBeforeFull and keepDays to $keepDays, this will delete all your backups... Change this" exit 1 fi # If you enabled sendEmail, check if you also set a recipient if [[ -z $emailAddress ]] && [[ $sendEmail == onerror ]]; then echo "Error, you have enabled sendEmail but you have not configured any recipient" exit 1 elif [[ -z $emailAddress ]] && [[ $sendEmail == always ]]; then echo "Error, you have enabled sendEmail but you have not configured any recipient" exit 1 fi # If compression is enabled, pass it on to the backup command if [[ $compression == true ]]; then compress="--compress" compressThreads="--compress-threads=$compressThreads" else compress= compressThreads= fi dateNow=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` dateNowUnix=`date +%s` dateTomorrow=`date --date="tomorrow" +%d` delDay=`date -d "-$keepDays days" +%Y-%m-%d` delWeek=`date -d "-$keepWeeks weeks" +%Y-%m-%d` delMonth=`date -d "-$keepMonths months" +%Y-%m-%d` tomorrow=$(TZ=`date | awk '{print $5}'`-24 date +%d) weekTomorrow=$((`date -d $dateTomorrow +%V`)) weekNext=$((`date +%V`+1)) # Check if last day of month if [ $tomorrow == 1 ]; then # Do Monthly if [ -f "$monthlyDir"/last_monthly ]; then lastMonthly=`cat "$monthlyDir"/last_monthly` else lastMonthly=0 fi # Calculate the time since the last full backup difference=$((($dateNowUnix - $lastMonthly) / 60 / 60)) # Check if we must take a full or incremental backup if [ $difference -gt $hoursBeforeFull ]; then /usr/bin/innobackupex --user=$mysqlUser --password=$mysqlPwd --no-timestamp $compress $compressThreads --tmpdir=$tmpDir --rsync "$monthlyDir"/"$dateNow" > $backupLog 2>&1 echo $dateNowUnix > "$monthlyDir"/last_monthly # Copy to Weekly if [ $weekTomorrow == $weekNext ]; then cp -rfp $monthlyDir"/"$dateNow $weeklyDir echo $dateNowUnix > "$weeklyDir"/last_weekly fi # Copy to daily cp -rfp $monthlyDir"/"$dateNow $dailyDir/$dateNow"_full" echo $dateNowUnix > "$dailyDir"/latest_full fi elif [ $weekTomorrow == $weekNext ]; then # Do Weekly if [ -f "$weeklyDir"/last_weekly ]; then lastWeekly=`cat "$weeklyDir"/last_weekly` else lastWeekly=0 fi # Calculate the time since the last full backup difference=$((($dateNowUnix - $lastWeekly) / 60 / 60)) # Check if we must take a full or incremental backup if [ $difference -gt $hoursBeforeFull ]; then /usr/bin/innobackupex --user=$mysqlUser --password=$mysqlPwd --no-timestamp $compress $compressThreads --tmpdir=$tmpDir --rsync "$weeklyDir"/"$dateNow" > $backupLog 2>&1 echo $dateNowUnix > "$weeklyDir"/last_weekly # Copy to daily cp -rfp $weeklyDir"/"$dateNow $dailyDir/$dateNow"_full" echo $dateNowUnix > "$dailyDir"/latest_full fi else if [ -f "$dailyDir"/latest_full ]; then lastFull=`cat "$dailyDir"/latest_full` else lastFull=0 fi if [ -f "$dailyDir"/latest_incremental ]; then lastInc=`cat "$dailyDir"/latest_incremental` else lastInc=0 fi # Calculate the time since the last full backup differenceFull=$((($dateNowUnix - $lastFull) / 60 / 60)) differenceInc=$((($dateNowUnix - $lastInc) / 60 / 60)) # Check if we must take a full or incremental backup if [[ $differenceFull -lt $hoursBeforeFull ]] && [[ $differenceInc -gt $hoursBeforeInc ]]; then #echo "It's been $difference hours since last full, doing an incremental backup" lastFullDir=`date -d@"$lastFull" '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'` /usr/bin/innobackupex --user=$mysqlUser --password=$mysqlPwd --no-timestamp $compress $compressThreads --rsync --tmpdir=$tmpDir --incremental --incremental-basedir="$dailyDir"/"$lastFullDir"_full "$dailyDir"/"$dateNow"_incr > $backupLog 2>&1 echo $dateNowUnix > "$dailyDir"/latest_incremental elif [ $differenceFull -gt $hoursBeforeFull ]; then #echo "It's been $difference hours since last full backup, time for a new full backup" echo $dateNowUnix > "$dailyDir"/latest_full /usr/bin/innobackupex --user=$mysqlUser --password=$mysqlPwd --no-timestamp $compress $compressThreads --tmpdir=$tmpDir --rsync "$dailyDir"/"$dateNow"_full > $backupLog 2>&1 fi fi # Check if the backup succeeded or failed, and e-mail the logfile, if enabled if grep -q "completed OK" $backupLog; then #echo "Backup completed OK" if [[ $sendEmail == always ]]; then cat $backupLog | mail -s "AutoXtraBackup log" $emailAddress fi else #echo "Backup FAILED" if [[ $sendEmail == always ]] || [[ $sendEmail == onerror ]]; then cat $backupLog | mail -s "AutoXtraBackup log" $emailAddress fi exit 1 fi # Delete backups older than retention date rm -rf $dailyDir/$delDay* rm -rf $weeklyDir/$delWeek* rm -rf $monthlyDir/$delMonth* # Delete incremental backups with full backup base directory that was deleted for i in `find "$dailyDir"/*incr -type f -iname xtrabackup_info 2>/dev/null | xargs grep $delDay | awk '{print $10}' | cut -d '=' -f2`; do rm -rf $i; done exit 0