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Update a Perc 6/i adapter

First thing is to verify you actually have a Perc 6/i

omreport storage controller

Then you download the correct Firmware from the Dell Support site. Before you can do the install you will need to ensure a few utils are installed. Otherwise you will not be able to extract the package.

rpm stat stty cut fmt tty tar gzip tail rm mkdir mktemp chmod ls basename dirname wc sleep

Once you have the above available simply extract the package. In my case the last update I made was to version 6.3.3

# chmod 755 SAS-RAID_Firmware_3P52K_LN_6.3.3-0002_X00.BIN 
# ./SAS-RAID_Firmware_3P52K_LN_6.3.3-0002_X00.BIN --extract perc6

Afterwards you just execute the update script telling is where the new firmware is

# cd perc6
# ./sasdupie -u -s payload/

When all is done you will see something similar to below

/root/Dell/perc6/ line 664: /var/log/dell/disneyinstall.log: No such file or directory
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SVMExecution lang="en"><Device vendorID="1000" deviceID="0060" subDeviceID="1f0b" subVendorID="1028" bus="3" device="0" function="0" display="PERC 6/i Adapter Controller 0"><Application componentType="FRMW" version="6.2.0-0013" display="PERC 6/i Adapter Controller 0 Firmware"><Package version=""/><SPStatus result="true"><Message id="0">The operation was successful. </Message></SPStatus></Application></Device><RebootRequired>1</RebootRequired></SVMExecution>

Notice the “The operation was successful” and “<RebootRequired>1</RebootRequired>” which tells you that all went well and you need to reboot to get your new firmware running.


debian/perc6i_update.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/24 11:16 (external edit)