js#vista.png msort nsort
js#vista.png msort nsort
1. Preparing for the upgrade
1.1. Back up any data or configuration information 1.2. Inform users in advance 1.3. Prepare for downtime on services
Set maintainance window for upgrade with buffer
1.4. Prepare for recovery
Verify the recoverability of system from backup image
1.5. Prepare a safe environment for the upgrade
Local terminal or SSH access
2. Checking system status
find NON-Pure Debian packages # apt install aptitude apt-forktracer # aptitude search '~i(!~ODebian)' # apt-forktracer | sort
2.1. Review actions pending in package manager
# aptitude Select GO and review
2.2. Disabling APT pinning
check /etc/apt/preferences & /etc/apt/preferences.d/ for entries
2.3. Checking packages status
# dpkg --audit # aptitude search "~ahold" # dpkg --get-selections | grep 'hold$'
To remove a hold on a package: echo package_name install | dpkg --set-selections
2.4. Remove proposed-updates section if present in /etc/apt/sources.list 2.5. Verify Unofficial sources are available for target Debian version
3. Upgrading current version
3.1. Update current installation
# sudo apt update
3.2. Upgrade current installation
# sudo apt upgrade
3.3. Check functionality
Verify all services required of current host is functioning correctly
3.4. Upgrade current distribution
# sudo apt dist-upgrade
3.5. Check functionality
see 3.3 above
4. Preparing sources for APT
4.1. Adding APT Internet sources
# sudo sed -i 's/CURRENT_RELEASE/TARGET_RELEASE/g' /etc/apt/sources.list # sudo sed -i 's/CURRENT_RELEASE/TARGET_RELEASE/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
4.2. Adding APT sources for a local mirror
Only required for special in-house software
4.3. Adding APT sources from optical media
Only required for special 3rd party delivered software
5. Upgrading packages
Ensure all partition mountpoints are mounted read-write # mount -o remount,rw /mountpoint
5.1. Recording the session
# script -t 2>~/upgrade-TARGET_RELEASEstep.time -a ~/upgrade-TARGET_RELEASEstep.script To replay session use scriptreplay # scriptreplay ~/upgrade-TARGET_RELEASE.time ~/upgrade-TARGET_RELEASE.script
5.2. Updating the package list
# apt-get update
5.3. Make sure you have sufficient space for the upgrade
# apt-get -o APT::Get::Trivial-Only=true dist-upgrade
5.4. Minimal system upgrade
# apt-get upgrade
5.5. Check functionality
See 3.3 above
5.6. Upgrading the system
# apt-get dist-upgrade
5.7. Check functionality
See 3.3 above
6. Possible issues during upgrade
6.1. Dist-upgrade fails with “Could not perform immediate configuration”
# apt-get dist-upgrade -o APT::Immediate-Configure=0
6.2. Expected removals 6.3. Conflicts or Pre-Depends loops
use -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1 with apt-get or # dpkg --remove package_name or # apt-get -f install # dpkg --configure --pending or # dpkg --install /path/to/package_name.deb
6.4. File conflicts
# dpkg -r --force-depends package_name
6.5. Configuration changes
Usually answer "YES" to files in /etc/init.d directory or /etc/manpath.config
6.6. Change of session to console
Ctrl+Alt+F1 should recover the terminal window
7. Upgrading kernel and related packages
7.1. Install any needed kernel metapackage
Check for meta package # dpkg -l "linux-image*" | grep ^ii | grep -i meta if none are installed check which ones are available # apt-cache search linux-image- | grep -i meta | grep -v transition select correct one based on value returned by running "uname -r" eg. kernel “2.6.32-5-amd64” # apt-cache show linux-image-amd64
8. Preparing for the next release
8.1. Purging removed packages
Remove redundant or obsolete packages. see 5.3 above get list of removed packages # dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }' remove using # apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }') or use # aptitude search '~c' # aptitude purge '~c'
9. Obsolete packages
9.1. Dummy packages