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js#vista.png msort nsort
# apt-get install php5-dev # pecl install htscanner-1.0.0
add the following to /etc/php5/conf.d/htscanner.ini:
[htscanner] extension="htscanner.so" ; The configuration file htscanner needs to scan for php_* directives htscanner.config_file=".htaccess" ; The fallback docroot when htscanner can't determine the current docroot htscanner.default_docroot="/var/customers/webs/" htscanner.default_ttl=300 ; Stop when an error occured in RINIT (no document root, cannot get path_translated,...) htscanner.stop_on_error = 0 ; Warn when an option cannot be set htscanner.verbose = 0
You will need to adjust “htscanner.default_docroot” to match your setup.
Restart php-fpm and away you go.