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Community-ID Project Wiki

This is the original Keyboard Monkeys Wiki entry for the Project. IT Admins is using it, and 2 further pages found (Linux install & upgradeing CID) as a start in reconstructing the Documentation.

Community-ID is available as Open Source software and can be downloaded for free. You can install your own OpenID server in your network or in the public Internet. When you don't want to install your own OpenID server, there are several free OpenID provider where you can create an account. The IT Admins Group currently runs a private OpenID server that may be opened to members in the future.

Screenshots of Community-ID

When you are interested in some screenshots from Community-ID, please take a look at the follow link

Here the Keyboard Monkeys offer a free to use OpenID service. You can register to this service when you don't want run your own OpenID server. The service is free of charge and more information about privacy can be found on the community-id web page.

Community-ID Sources

You will be able to checkout the Community-ID sources direct using Git on the IT Admins Git repository.

Git checkout from our repository: FIXME

How to get Community-ID

You can download Community-ID from IT Admins. Please klick here

Community-ID installation

The follow how to will give you the needed instruction to install Community-ID.

How to install Community-ID under Linux

French how-to install C-ID under Debian

How to install Community-ID under OpenBSD FIXME How to install Community-ID under Windows FIXME

Upgrade instructions for Community-ID

How to set up OpenID identities using subdomains FIXME


Performance tuning for your Community-id installation FIXME

Using Community-ID with an LDAP backend FIXME

Frequently Asked Questions

  Why Some of the tests at are not passed?


  Community-ID Internals Overview and Customization
  How to add a theme
  How to add a language translation
  How to delegate an url to Community-ID
  How to create custom stat reports
projects/community-id.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/24 11:16 (external edit)