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How to install Community-ID 2.0.0 RC3

The official site of Community-ID (Offline) New official site of Community-ID offers a series of simple tutorials for installation of the service but as of version 2.0.0 the installation process has changed a bit. This little howto is constructed from a tutorial that was based on the original tutorial modified and translating it into Spanish (by Alicia García Holgado) and, of course, modified even further by yours truly.

For those of you not able to get a copy of Community-ID 2 just let me know and I will provide a copy here on my site just go here.


  • Web Server version 1.3 is recommended or higher Apache Server . Alternatives can be used as HTTP server lighttpd , Cherokee HTTP server , nginx or other server that you are familiar with.
  • It requires PHP 5.2.4 or higher version of PHP with cURL support, the MySQLi extension installed.
  • Requires MySQL version 4.1 or above.


Community-ID requires the creation of a MySQL database. For this you can use any of the existing management tools to manage MySQL

CREATE USER 'openid'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '***';



GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `openid` . * TO 'openid'@'localhost';

Prepare Apache

Ensure that mod_rewrite is active and that .htaccess files can be read (AllowOverride All).

Create a virtual host file for that name, e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/ or /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, containing:

<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot /var/www/openid

   <Directory /var/www/openid>
      Options FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride All

and restart Apache.

Install the source-ID Community

Download version 2.0.0 RC3 of Keyboard Monkeys Project download area and decompresses the web server directory.

 cd /var/www
 tar xvfz cid-2.0.0-RC3.tar.gz
 mv community openid


 cd /var/www
 mv community openid

Install the application via a web browser showing the following URL:

The installation process for the name of the database previously created and the login to access it. You must also specify the user name and password for the administrator account. This account will not have an OpenID identifier so that it can only be used for administrative tasks.

Configuration file

The configuration file, config.php, includes a number of variables for configuring the operation of the application. Listed below are some of the most important parameters.

 # Enable (true) or off (false) the user registration form.
 $ Config ['environment'] ['registrations_enabled'] = false; 

 # Keep a log of the system.  The specified file must be created beforehand and be writable by the web server user.
 $ Config ['logging'] ['location'] = '/var/log/communityid.log';

PASSWORDS section contains a number of variables used to define the minimum requirements to be met by user passwords.

 # Password different user name
 $ Config ['security'] ['password'] ['username_different'] = true;
 # Minimum password length
 $ Config ['security'] ['password'] ['minimum_length'] = 6;
 # True if the password must contain a numeric character
 $ Config ['security'] ['password'] ['include_numbers'] = false;
 # True if the password should contain non-alphanumeric characters
 $ Config ['security'] ['password'] ['include_symbols'] = false;
 # True if the password should contain lowercase and uppercase characters
 $ Config ['security'] ['password'] ['lowercase_and_uppercase'] = false;

Access Permissions

Change the access permissions to the files of the application. On Debian systems this will most likely be www-data.

 cd /var/www
 chown-R www-data.www-data openid
 find openid -type d -exec chmod 550 {} \;
 find openid -type f -exec chmod 440 {} \;
 cd openid
 chmod u+w captchas 

Configuring SMTP email to Gmail in Community-ID

Community-ID is configured to send mail through Sendmail. If we want is that the shipment is made ​​through Gmail's SMTP server you have to make some small modifications in the config.php file.

By default the fields for email are:

 $ Config ['email'] ['transport'] = 'sendmail';
 $ Config ['email'] ['host'] ='';
 $ Config ['email'] ['auth'] ='';
 $ Config ['email'] ['username'] ='';
 $ Config ['email'] ['password'] ='';

First we show smtp transport type, all lowercase, and host Gmail's SMTP server ssl connection works through the port 465 so we add our two new configuration file options, $ config ['email'] ['ssl'] and $ config ['email'] ['port' ]. Finally the type of authentication should be login, username and password indicating a valid account and password of Gmail for the same.

After these changes to the configuration file should look something like the following:

 $ Config ['email'] ['transport'] = 'smtp';
 $ Config ['email'] ['host'] = '';
 $ Config ['email'] ['ssl'] = 'ssl'; 
 $ Config ['email'] ['port'] = '465 '; 
 $ Config ['email'] ['auth'] = 'login';
 $ Config ['email'] ['username'] = '';
 $ Config ['email'] ['password'] = 'your-password-for-gmail';
security/communityid_openid.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/24 11:16 (external edit)